Fondazione per la Clinica, la Ricerca e l’Alta Formazione in Odontoiatria 

L’Istituto Stomatologico Toscano si occupa di Alta Formazione e di Programmi di educazione continua per Dentisti, Igienisti dentali e Paramedici.


Foundation for Clinical, Research and Advanced Education in Dentistry. 

The Tuscan Dental Institute is involved in Higher Education and Continuing Education Programs for Dentists, Dental Hygienists and Paramedics.

University Specialization Course in MINIMALLY INVASIVE ORAL SURGERY


DAY 1 

Dental extraction and treatment of the post-extraction alveolus
Radiological diagnosis of difficulty 
Pre-extraction syndesmotomy 
Extraction in respect of the alveolar bone
Prevention of the post-extractive bone defect 
Classification of the post-extracted bone defects 
Selection criteria in the ridge preservation 
Predictability of the results in the aesthetic sectors 
Practical exercises: 
The use of the Magnetic Mallet in extractive surgery 
Preparation and manipulation of alveolar filling biomaterials 

DAY 2 

Minimally invasive third molar surgery 
Classification of eighths dysodontiasis 
The criterion of minimally invasive in the design of the access 
Reasoned odontotomies and choice of appropriate instruments 
Reasoned peri-dental osteotomies 
Practical exercises: 
Presentation and discussion of clinical cases and development of operative tactics Piezoelectric surgery to support the eighth surgery Peri-dental osteotomies and extractions on animal model 

DAY 3 

Bone reconstructive surgery 
Evolution of knowledge on bone healing 
Classification of bone defects 
Techniques of bone reconstruction and their predictability 
Reasoned choice of biomaterials and medical devices for bone reconstruction 
Management of soft tissues in reconstructive bone surgery 
Practical exercises: 
Management of hard and soft tissues as well as biomaterials and medical devices for bone reconstruction on animal model

DAY 4 

Sinus odontostomatological surgery 
Features of sinus anatomy and physiology 
Sinus complications of oral surgery 
Sinus complications of implant surgery 
Sinus surgery for implant purposes 
Sinus surgery for implant purposes with a minimally invasive approach 
Practical exercises: 
Exercises on an animal model suitably prepared on the techniques of access to the maxillary sinus and to the handling of the sinus mucosa 


The radiolucent lesions of the maxillary 
Differential diagnosis of the radio transparency of the jaws
Ultrasonic dissection of tissues 
Minimally invasive access flaps and osteotomies: how and when 
Practical exercises: Ultrasonic soft tissue dissection on animal model
Piezoelectric instruments and rotary instruments in access osteotomies 

Course structure: in each meeting in the morning will be dedicated to the theoretical treatment of biological assumptions and clinical indications of procedures by Prof. Ugo Covani and the afternoon at the practical exercises with Prof. Covani and one or more tutors. At the end of the course, and after the necessary verifications also for the purposes of the ECM, a certificate of improvement of the Saint Camillus International University will be issued in addition to the credits.


Cost of the Course: The cost of enrollment in the specialization course is € 2,000.00
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Evolution of techniques and technologies in oral surgery

 In the last 30 years, surgical disciplines have continuously evolved in the search for minimally invasive or, with a very popular concept, the "Minimal Access Surgery" (MAS). 

This trend has also affected oral surgery, it being understood that Mininvasiveness does not mean completely replacing traditional procedures, but rather addressing them with the criterion of the least possible invasiveness.

 This new approach translates, thanks to the reduced surgical trauma, into a lower inflammatory response of the reparative process which in turn reduces the nociceptive stimuli, the possibility of infectious complications and induces a simpler, faster and, why not predictable, healing. 

All this involved the development and use of dedicated biomedical instruments and devices, which ideally should integrate traditional procedures on the one hand in the various surgical times and on the other hand set new techniques that make the most of their potential.

 Think of the growing role of the operating microscope, piezoelectric devices, magneto-dynamic strikers or more simply the instruments for microsurgery. 

The aim of the specialization course, organized in collaboration between Unicamillus and the Istituto Stomatologico Toscano, is to illustrate all these techniques and technologies, in the various fields of use, from a theoretical point of view, including also a careful assessment of the relationship between costs and benefits as well as to become familiar with both the techniques and the tools during the practical exercises. 

Director: Prof. Ugo Covani

 Course hours: Morning 9.00-13.00 Afternoon 14.00-18.00 

The Saint Camillus International University of Health and Medical Sciences (UniCamillus) - University exclusively dedicated to Medical and Health Sciences - has obtained the approval of the Regulations University and didactic regulations on June 20, 2017 by CUN (National University Council) and accreditation by ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research System) on September 5, 2017. On November 28, 2017 the Minister of Education, University and Research signed the Ministerial Decree 927 which establishes the University, registered by the Court of Auditors with n. 2353 of 18/12/2017 and published in the Official Gazette no. 3 of 4 January 2018. 

The academic qualifications issued are identical to those of other Italian state universities and, therefore, also valid throughout the European Union pursuant to Directive 2005/36 / EC and Directive 2013/55 / EU . 

The University has already been included in the World Directory of Medical Schools, a joint venture between the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) and the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER). 

The first academic year started in November 2018.
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